1. Severe scratches: The PRIMER and ELECTRICALLY APPLIED COAT (E-COAT) have been damaged, and even the BODY PANEL is exposed. It cannot be repaired with car detailing.
2. Severe scratches: The BASECOAT has been completely destroyed and the PRIMER has been damaged. It cannot be repaired with car detailing.
3. Deep scratches: part of the BASECOAT has been damaged. Some models can be restored by car detailing.
4. Moderate scratches: Leaves marks on the CLEARCOAT, without damaging the BASECOAT. Can be restored.
5. Slight scratches: similar to sun marks and can be restored.
Protecting the luxury vehicle and keeping it like new is a constant worry for car owners. Though both car wax and car polish look the same, they serve different purposes. Car wax is more important for protecting the car's exterior while car polish is specifically meant to improve the look of the vehicle. Let's delve deeper to clear up the confusion about these car servicing options.
A clean car exterior is important for several reasons, both practical and aesthetic, including paint protection, resale value preservation, corrosion and rust prevention, and visibility enhancement.