1. Wash (You’ll need: bucket, sponge, car shampoo, hosepipe or pressure washer.)
First of all you need to remove any dirt from the bodywork of your car by giving it a good wash. To wash your car follow the proceeding steps.
1a. Pre-Wash – Before you touch your car with a sponge you need to make sure any big bits of muck, dirt or grit are washed off first. Narrow the nozzle on your hosepipe to a powerful stream and wet the whole of the outside of your car, making sure to blast away at any build up of dirt you notice. If you have a pressure washer this step is even easier. If you don’t do a pre-wash it will take longer to wash down with your sponge and if there are any pieces of grit resting on your bodywork they can be dragged across it by the sponge, scratching your paintwork in the process.
1b. Shampoo – Pour a capful of car shampoo into your bucket and then fill it half way with warm water, making sure there are plenty of bubbles. If not just add a little more shampoo and blast it with the hosepipe. Work your way around your car washing all of the bodywork and windows. Use a circular motion and apply firm but gentle pressure. If you come across any areas where there is a build-up of mud or dirt you may have to rub a little harder to remove it. Last of all give your wheels and wheel arches a wash.
1c.Rinse – Your motor should be suitably lathered up now and all the dirt should be washed away. Grab your hose or pressure washer and give it a good old rinse to get rid of all the suds. Have a quick glance over to check you haven’t missed any bits and if you have use your sponge again to remove them.